It is always great to see an upper class-man pass on the encouragement and passion a rowing team thrives off of. Senior Audrey Shaw, sent this inspiring note out to the team last night:
Hello all! I wanted to
take this opportunity to congratulate you on surviving your second 2k test
of sprint season and am happy to see so many of you reaching beyond what you
thought you were capable of achieving. It is the individuals who take a chance
to shatter through everything their character assumes about them, and to show
that they come with a much more robust and radiating depth of soul, that propel
a team of individuals together towards the common goal of success. In addition,
I wanted to congratulate you all (including Friday’s group) on also surviving
your first day of a true weight circuit in the varsity weight room. There has
been a dramatic transition from conditioning focused workouts to strength and
hypertrophy focused work, a transition that often comes with an intense bought of soreness, mental fatigue, and, after all your
clothes have been saturated with sweat, blood, and tears… an incredible boost
of self-pride and self-satisfaction. Please encourage your teammates to press
through to that next level of success, and congratulate those who reach
their PRs and short-term goals. Every stride an individual makes is a huge
leap for the team overall. By the nature of rowing, we, quite literally, are a
TEAM OF ONE. We are all reflective of each other’s abilities and cannot drive a
single boat to move at an incredible speed without the efforts of all of its
members. Be vocal about your encouragement. Fight off any hesitation you
experience to yell out praise to your teammates as they push themselves through
the next workout, the next erg piece, the next stroke… after all, it is the
combination of our voices that will allow an echo of strength, ability, and
pride to sound through the boathouse and throughout our experiences together.
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability
to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. IT IS